Data Licensing and Citations

Data citations

  1. Go to the Citation Search API and locate the DOI for the data you are looking for.

  2. Use the data reference template as follows to cite the data. Please ensure you use the latest versions by checking the _CMIP6 errata pages.

See also

Following is the data reference template. Authors (Publication Year). Title. Version YYYYMMDD Earth System Grid Federation. doi.

Here is an example of the citation landing page

  1. Cite, as appropriate, one or more of the CMIP6 GMD special issue articles


For questions about the data, please use the modeling center dataset contacts, as listed under the contacts field on the citation landing pages.

See also

CMIP6 Terms of use to appropriately cite the CMIP6 data.

Data licensing

Please refer to the license global attribute in the NetCDF header to determine the licensing agreement for the data you’re working with.

You can also find license agreement in the data citation landing pages or here under the License column.